Hessischer Bildungsserver / Unterricht

The Tension between Economy and Ecology

Kerncurriculum Sek I

The conflict between economy and ecology is at the centre of this content area. Sustainable development should ensure the fulfilment of current and future needs in the social, economic and ecological spheres. It is linked to the principle of participation, intergenerational responsibility and the shared responsibility of industrialised and developing countries. In this context, the interaction between the immediate environment and supra-regional and international references. (Quelle: Politik und Wirtschaft. Kerncurriculum Hessen. Sekundarstufe I – Gymnasium. Inhaltsfeld "Gesellschaft und Natur").

Kerncurriculum Gymnasiale Oberstufe...

Gymnasiale Oberstufe

E2 Growth and quality of life in market economies

Q3 International relations in the age of globalisation: global environmental policy (Q3.5) and

Q4 Present and future of Europe in a globalised world: Europe's contribution to a global climate policy

(Quelle: Politik und Wirtschaft. Gymnasiale Oberstufe. Kerncurriculum Hessen)

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