Hessischer Bildungsserver / Unterricht

Climate History

Titel Climate History

Readers can navigate the climate history timeline either by scrolling through or jumping to specific historical moments between the years 1800 and 2020 (Marjoe Bacus 2021).

Each chapter is organized around a different theme (e.g., Growth, War, Automotive) and discusses relevant social contexts driving climate change.

For example, the 1970 chapter discusses "Earth day, Chlorofluorocarbons, and the Ozone Layer" and features an embedded video about the impact of chlorofluorocarbons on the ozone layer. The 2020 chapter connects climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The final chapter has links to resources for readers interested in taking action or learning more, including Conservation International, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The site was created by Marjoe Bacus, a web developer and digital designer, and received an Honorable Mention from the Awwwards for web design.

Zum Material ... https://beyond.supportkyoto.org/
Elixier-Systematikpfad Elixiersystematik; Schule; Sprachen und Literatur; Englisch; Bilingualer Unterricht; Geschichte; Zeitgeschichte
Medienformat Online-Ressource
Art des Materials Arbeitsmaterial
  • Geographie
  • Schüler/innen
  • Lehrkräfte
  • Sekundarstufe I
  • Sekundarstufe II
  • Climate
  • History
Sprache Englisch
Kostenpflichtig Nein
Einsteller/in von Machui, Thomas
Elixier-Austausch Ja
Quelle-ID HE
Quelle-Homepage http://www.bildung.hessen.de
Quelle-Pfad Hessischer Bildungsserver
Lizenz Es gelten die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.
Letzte Änderung 26.9.2021
Titel Climate History

Readers can navigate the climate history timeline either by scrolling through or jumping to specific historical moments between the years 1800 and 2020 (Marjoe Bacus 2021).

Each chapter is organized around a different theme (e.g., Growth, War, Automotive) and discusses relevant social contexts driving climate change.

For example, the 1970 chapter discusses "Earth day, Chlorofluorocarbons, and the Ozone Layer" and features an embedded video about the impact of chlorofluorocarbons on the ozone layer. The 2020 chapter connects climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The final chapter has links to resources for readers interested in taking action or learning more, including Conservation International, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The site was created by Marjoe Bacus, a web developer and digital designer, and received an Honorable Mention from the Awwwards for web design.

Zum Material ... https://beyond.supportkyoto.org/
Anzeige/Download Es handelt sich um ein Offline-Medium.
URL der Beschreibung https://lernarchiv.bildung.hessen.de/sek/englisch/engl/pub/climate/edu_link_1632649671_6203258.html/details/
Elixier-Systematikpfad Elixiersystematik; Schule; Sprachen und Literatur; Englisch; Bilingualer Unterricht; Geschichte; Zeitgeschichte
Medienformat Online-Ressource
Art des Materials Arbeitsmaterial
  • Geographie
  • Schüler/innen
  • Lehrkräfte
  • Sekundarstufe I
  • Sekundarstufe II
  • Climate
  • History
Sprache Englisch
Kostenpflichtig Nein
Einsteller/in von Machui, Thomas
Elixier-Austausch Ja
Quelle-ID HE
Quelle-Homepage http://www.bildung.hessen.de
Quelle-Pfad Hessischer Bildungsserver
Letzte Änderung 26.9.2021