Hessischer Bildungsserver / Unterricht

National Museum of Women in the Arts

Titel National Museum of Women in the Arts

The NWMA in Washington provides several educator's guides, each developed in conjunction with past exhibitions at the museum (USA 2018).

Each guide is downloadable as a PDF, and in them, readers will find digital images, lesson plans, classroom activities, and more.

As an example, the most recently added educator's guide, "Magnetic Fields: Expanding American Abstraction, 1960s to Today," contains eleven digital images, detailed lesson plans for both elementary and high school students, "gallery games" which may be adapted for classroom use, student worksheets, and grading rubrics. Another guide, "Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea," incorporates the NWMA's online exhibition A Global Icon: Mary in Context and other online resources, and also includes discussion exercises and instructions for a bookmaking activity.

Zum Material ... https://nmwa.org/learn/educators/collection-exhibition-resources/classroom-resources-educator-guides
Elixier-Systematikpfad Elixiersystematik; Schule; Sprachen und Literatur; Englisch; Bilingualer Unterricht; Kunst und Kultur
Medienformat Online-Ressource
Art des Materials Unterrichtsplanung
  • Kunst
  • Lehrkräfte
  • Sekundarstufe I
  • Sekundarstufe II
  • Museum
  • Art
  • Women
Sprache Englisch
Kostenpflichtig Nein
Einsteller/in von Machui, Thomas
Elixier-Austausch Ja
Quelle-ID HE
Quelle-Homepage http://www.bildung.hessen.de
Quelle-Pfad Hessischer Bildungsserver
Lizenz Es gelten die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.
Letzte Änderung 10.11.2020
Titel National Museum of Women in the Arts

The NWMA in Washington provides several educator's guides, each developed in conjunction with past exhibitions at the museum (USA 2018).

Each guide is downloadable as a PDF, and in them, readers will find digital images, lesson plans, classroom activities, and more.

As an example, the most recently added educator's guide, "Magnetic Fields: Expanding American Abstraction, 1960s to Today," contains eleven digital images, detailed lesson plans for both elementary and high school students, "gallery games" which may be adapted for classroom use, student worksheets, and grading rubrics. Another guide, "Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea," incorporates the NWMA's online exhibition A Global Icon: Mary in Context and other online resources, and also includes discussion exercises and instructions for a bookmaking activity.

Zum Material ... https://nmwa.org/learn/educators/collection-exhibition-resources/classroom-resources-educator-guides
Anzeige/Download Es handelt sich um ein Offline-Medium.
URL der Beschreibung https://lernarchiv.bildung.hessen.de/sek/englisch/engl/kg/art/edu_link_1537608981_33.html/details/
Elixier-Systematikpfad Elixiersystematik; Schule; Sprachen und Literatur; Englisch; Bilingualer Unterricht; Kunst und Kultur
Medienformat Online-Ressource
Art des Materials Unterrichtsplanung
  • Kunst
  • Lehrkräfte
  • Sekundarstufe I
  • Sekundarstufe II
  • Museum
  • Art
  • Women
Sprache Englisch
Kostenpflichtig Nein
Einsteller/in von Machui, Thomas
Elixier-Austausch Ja
Quelle-ID HE
Quelle-Homepage http://www.bildung.hessen.de
Quelle-Pfad Hessischer Bildungsserver
Letzte Änderung 10.11.2020