Hessischer Bildungsserver / Unterricht

Mathematics Teacher Resources

Titel Mathematics Teacher Resources

The University of Michigan Library offers this helpful list of web resources for teaching mathematics (USA 2017).

This list includes items that will appeal to K-12 mathematics instructors, adult educators, and college level mathematics instructors alike. Resources are divided into three categories: resources for teachers (most resources fall into this category), resources for algebra, and resources for statistics. While some of the links included on this list no longer work, most will take visitors to working pages. Included are teaching tips, videos to incorporate into the classroom, websites, free online textbooks, printable worksheets, games, and more. The diversity of these resources offers a useful one-stop shop for instructors looking for additional materials or ideas.

Zum Material ... http://guides.lib.umich.edu/c.php?g=282791&p=1888115
Elixier-Systematikpfad Elixiersystematik; Schule; Sprachen und Literatur; Englisch; Bilingualer Unterricht
Medienformat Online-Ressource
Art des Materials Unterrichtsplanung
  • Mathematik
  • Lehrkräfte
  • Sekundarstufe I
  • Sekundarstufe II
  • Resource
  • Teach
  • Mathematics
Sprache Englisch
Kostenpflichtig Nein
Einsteller/in von Machui, Thomas
Elixier-Austausch Ja
Quelle-ID HE
Quelle-Homepage http://www.bildung.hessen.de
Quelle-Pfad Hessischer Bildungsserver
Lizenz Es gelten die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.
Letzte Änderung 22.4.2017
Titel Mathematics Teacher Resources

The University of Michigan Library offers this helpful list of web resources for teaching mathematics (USA 2017).

This list includes items that will appeal to K-12 mathematics instructors, adult educators, and college level mathematics instructors alike. Resources are divided into three categories: resources for teachers (most resources fall into this category), resources for algebra, and resources for statistics. While some of the links included on this list no longer work, most will take visitors to working pages. Included are teaching tips, videos to incorporate into the classroom, websites, free online textbooks, printable worksheets, games, and more. The diversity of these resources offers a useful one-stop shop for instructors looking for additional materials or ideas.

Zum Material ... http://guides.lib.umich.edu/c.php?g=282791&p=1888115
Anzeige/Download Es handelt sich um ein Offline-Medium.
URL der Beschreibung https://lernarchiv.bildung.hessen.de/sek/englisch/engl/math/edu_link_1492873484_62.html/details/
Elixier-Systematikpfad Elixiersystematik; Schule; Sprachen und Literatur; Englisch; Bilingualer Unterricht
Medienformat Online-Ressource
Art des Materials Unterrichtsplanung
  • Mathematik
  • Lehrkräfte
  • Sekundarstufe I
  • Sekundarstufe II
  • Resource
  • Teach
  • Mathematics
Sprache Englisch
Kostenpflichtig Nein
Einsteller/in von Machui, Thomas
Elixier-Austausch Ja
Quelle-ID HE
Quelle-Homepage http://www.bildung.hessen.de
Quelle-Pfad Hessischer Bildungsserver
Letzte Änderung 22.4.2017