Hessischer Bildungsserver / Unterricht

The Wall of Birds

Titel The Wall of Birds

Interactive resource that allows visitors to learn about birds from around the world and across time (Cornell Lab of Ornithology, USA 2017)

This project is based on Jane Kim's spectacular mural "From So Simple a Beginning: Celebrating the Evolution and Diversity of Birds," which Kim painted at Cornell Lab in 2014 and 2015. In this mural, dozens of birds are arranged on a world map to portray each species' origin. In addition, Kim includes sketches of prehistoric birds, representing the evolution of birds over time. Additionally, the Cornell Lab has annotated each of Kim's illustrations with information about each bird species, past and present. As visitors view the mural, they are invited to zoom in on detailed illustrations and click on a specific bird to learn more. The Wall of Birds offers a spectacular way to learn about the diversity of birds in the world.

Zum Material ... https://academy.allaboutbirds.org/features/wallofbirds
Elixier-Systematikpfad Elixiersystematik; Schule; Sprachen und Literatur; Englisch; Bilingualer Unterricht; Biologie
Medienformat Online-Ressource
Art des Materials Interaktives Material
  • Biologie
  • Schüler/innen
  • Lehrkräfte
  • Sekundarstufe I
  • Sekundarstufe II
  • Wall
  • The
  • Bird
Sprache Englisch
Kostenpflichtig Nein
Einsteller/in von Machui, Thomas
Elixier-Austausch Ja
Quelle-ID HE
Quelle-Homepage http://www.bildung.hessen.de
Quelle-Pfad Hessischer Bildungsserver
Lizenz Es gelten die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.
Letzte Änderung 26.9.2020
Titel The Wall of Birds

Interactive resource that allows visitors to learn about birds from around the world and across time (Cornell Lab of Ornithology, USA 2017)

This project is based on Jane Kim's spectacular mural "From So Simple a Beginning: Celebrating the Evolution and Diversity of Birds," which Kim painted at Cornell Lab in 2014 and 2015. In this mural, dozens of birds are arranged on a world map to portray each species' origin. In addition, Kim includes sketches of prehistoric birds, representing the evolution of birds over time. Additionally, the Cornell Lab has annotated each of Kim's illustrations with information about each bird species, past and present. As visitors view the mural, they are invited to zoom in on detailed illustrations and click on a specific bird to learn more. The Wall of Birds offers a spectacular way to learn about the diversity of birds in the world.

Zum Material ... https://academy.allaboutbirds.org/features/wallofbirds
Anzeige/Download Es handelt sich um ein Offline-Medium.
URL der Beschreibung https://lernarchiv.bildung.hessen.de/sek/englisch/engl/biologie_bl_en/edu_link_1492531528_88.html/details/
Elixier-Systematikpfad Elixiersystematik; Schule; Sprachen und Literatur; Englisch; Bilingualer Unterricht; Biologie
Medienformat Online-Ressource
Art des Materials Interaktives Material
  • Biologie
  • Schüler/innen
  • Lehrkräfte
  • Sekundarstufe I
  • Sekundarstufe II
  • Wall
  • The
  • Bird
Sprache Englisch
Kostenpflichtig Nein
Einsteller/in von Machui, Thomas
Elixier-Austausch Ja
Quelle-ID HE
Quelle-Homepage http://www.bildung.hessen.de
Quelle-Pfad Hessischer Bildungsserver
Letzte Änderung 26.9.2020